CMIRS, which regularly measures the political trust, social trust, individual self-confidence and happiness perception of Turkish Cypriots every three months and observes the relationship between the rates over time as well as how the society is affected by the developments in the country, published the survey results in two parts.

According to the data published in the first part, only 15.52% of the survey participants stated that they trust the president, 14.28% the government and 13.83% the parliament. Similarly, only 18.18% of the participants stated that they were satisfied with the president, 15.3% with the government and 16.43% with the performance in the parliament.

In the first part of the survey results, economic problems, inflation, incompetent political leaders, low salaries, high living costs and corruption were listed as the country's most important problems.

As a result of the CMIRS survey, it was observed that negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, helplessness and depression increased in society.

While the institutions most trusted by the society were the judiciary, police and media, according to the data, the government, presidency and parliament were among the least trusted institutions.

While the survey conducted by CMIRS revealed the political and economic insecurity environment in the country, it also clearly revealed the general concerns and confidence levels of the society.

Results of the survey shared by CMIRS:

General Results

83.3% of those surveyed think that things are going in the wrong direction in the country.

The Most Important Problem of the Country

According to the participants, the most important problems of the country are:

1. Economic problems,

2. Inflation

3. Incompetent/incompetent political leaders

4. Cyprus Problem

5. Low Salaries

6. High Costs of Living, and

7. It is Corruption.

Economic Situation in the Country

59.13% think their financial situation will be worse in 2 years! 59.13% of the respondents state that their economic situation will be worse within 2 years, while 23.74% state that it will remain the same. There was a 5.61% increase in the rate of pessimists compared to the previous period.

In March 2024, the happiness score of the society decreased slightly and became 5.94 out of 10.